Take the We Act pledge and champion the campaign that highlights our collective action and impact.
The We Act campaign belongs to all the organisations, staff, and volunteers in our sector who work to make our communities more welcoming, more sustainable, and more just. From the charity shop manager to the climate justice activist, when we come together, We Act.
You’re already a part of the We Act movement and by pledging you’re showing your colours, wearing the badge, and waving the flag!

When we want change
We take the initiative

Our Supporters
Those who take the pledge tell their stories with the We Act campaign, under one united brand and highlight their unique work across the country. These organisations tell us why they are proud to do the work they do, check out our dedicated supporters below!
Take the pledge and champion the campaign that highlights our collective action.
Aatma Indian Dance Troupe
Age Action
Aisling Project
Amdalah Africa Foundation - AMDAF
The Anne Sullivan Foundation
Athboy Tidy Towns
Ballyfermot Advance Project
Banna Rescue
Belong To LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland
Blood Bike East CLG
Boher Community Development
Bray Community Addiction Team
Brighter Communities Worldwide
Bru Columbanus
Bud's FRC Ballyduff Family Support
Burren Animal Rescue
Carbery Housing Association
Catholic Grandparents Association
CBM Ireland
Charities Institute Ireland
Cheshire Ireland
Children in Crossfire
Children in Hospital Ireland
Children's Books Ireland
Children's Mental Wellbeing
Clare Suicide Bereavement Support
Coalition 2030
Connections Arts Centre
COPE Galway
Cork Counselling Services
Crime Victims Helpline
CRY Ireland
Cycling Without Age
Daisyhouse Housing Association
Deaf Enterprises
Disability Federation Ireland
Donadea Community First Responders
The Down Syndrome Centre
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre
Dún na Sí Amenity & Heritage Park
Enable Ireland
Epilepsy Ireland
FASD Ireland
Fighting Blindness
Fighting Words
The Five Lamps Arts Festival
Friends of Liam Foundation
Friends of the Elderly
Galway Community Circus
Garryowen CDP
Generation Ireland
Glencree Centre for Peace
The Hope Foundation
Hospital Family Resource Centre
The Hospital Saturday Fund
Immigrants Training and Advice Services
Inishowen Credit Union
Irish Cancer Society
Irish Girl Guides
Irish Heart Foundation
Irish Hospice Foundation
Irish Red Cross
Irish Wheelchair Association
Jack and Jill Children's Foundation
Kerry Diocesan Youth Service
Kinsale Irish Girl Guides
LauraLynn - Ireland's Children's Hospice
Le Cheile Mentoring
Leitrim Volunteer Centre
Love and Care for People
Malayalee Council
Mary’s Meals
Mental Health Reform
Midlands Science
Migraine Ireland
Mná Ag Gaire
The Museum of Childhood Ireland
Nano Nagle Place
No Name Club
Oceans Plastic Project
Open Door Trust
Peter McVerry Trust​
Pituitary Foundation Ireland
Polio Survivors Ireland
Poppintree Early Education Centre
Positive Futures
Rainbow Club Cork
Recruit Refugees Ireland
Ringsend & Irishtown Community Centre
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Sail Training Ireland for Youth Development
SCOOP Foundation
2nd Cork Ballyphehane Scout Group
Serve the City Ireland
Sligo Volunteer Centre
Suicide or Survive
An Taisce - National Trust for Ireland
Thrombosis Ireland
Together-Razem Centre Cork
UCC Indian Alumni Community
Voice Ireland
Volunteer Ireland
Wexford Local Development
The Wheel
Whitechurch Brownies
Wicklow Triple Alliance
Young Social Innovators

Why a pledge?
We Act highlights the incredible work of every single volunteer and staff member in the charity sector. When an organisation pledges to support the campaign, they not only champion their cause but the collective action of the community and voluntary sector. The We Act pledge aims to create a furthered sense of belonging and to bring new and exciting energy to the We Act campaign.
Who takes the pledge?
If your organisation wants to take the pledge to support the campaign, we ask that you nominate someone from your Communications Department or someone who is willing to be contacted by our officers. Anyone from your organisation can join the We Act campaign and sign up to our newsletter and follow us on social media @weactireland.
How can those who pledge benefit from the campaign?
Every charity and community group in Ireland belongs to the We Act campaign and the campaign belongs to them. Organisations who take the pledge will have visibility on our website and social media, receive We Act materials to showcase, have priority registration for staff and volunteers at our We Act training series, be our first port of call for We Act stories, have the opportunity to join in our video production and photocalls, and have access to assistance in getting your organisation’s work in front of media.
What does an organisation do once they've pledged?
Organisations that take the pledge will help to champion the We Act causes. Those who pledge will receive a media toolkit which outlines how to share information about the campaign and your support and how to add a We Act badge to your website. You proudly support the We Act campaigns goals to encourage support in the sector, highlight our impact, and encourage participation by means of sharing your stories online and in-person.
Is there a financial responsibility for those who pledge?
No, organisations are not required to pay any fees or commit anything financially to the campaign to make the pledge.
How do I get media support from We Act?
We want to share positive stories. Stories about the people who spot a gap, see a need, take the initiative, and act. So, we have dedicated efforts to ensure that positive media coverage of charities and their work is a priority. We Act will use its media contacts to help broadcast your story. If you have a story of a volunteer, event, or project you’d like to share send on the details to info@weact.ie and the Campaigns Officer will be in touch to discuss further details. To see previous examples of our media work visit weact.ie/media
How do I submit a staff or volunteer story?
Telling the stories of individuals and groups taking action in Ireland is central to the We Act campaign. You can submit a story of your staff or volunteers to info@weact.ie and the We Act campaigns officer will then be in touch for further information and to set a meeting to being the interview process.
We Act is supported by: